Flytt Utland EN (Copied)


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Here you will find answers to e.g. Preparations for moving day, Payment terms, Packing of personal belongings, Insurance terms and many other common questions.

Common questions and answers can be found here>>

“Flyttade Göteborg - Malmö. Allt gick smidigt, till ett rimligt pris och framförallt var killarna som utförde flytten mycket trevliga, rara och måna om att allting skulle bli rätt.”
Klara Persson

Free price calculation immediately!
Fill in to the best of your ability. You can also write in the 'other' box. We will review and provide quick feedback.
Assembly assistance for furniture (down/up)
Items + 100 kg

Packaging help for porcelain
Packing miscellaneous belongings
Moving cleaning
Cleaning supplement
Cleaning supplement

I want

Booking confirmation via email within 24 hours.